About us
New City Memphis (NCM) is a nonprofit created to come alongside the Klondike community – the oldest African American neighborhood in North Memphis.
NCM exists to pursue the Kingdom in Klondike through the gospel ministry of incarnating, investing, and inviting.
Incarnate: being with (John 1:14), bearing one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2)
Invest: making connections, building bridges, strengthening relationships, and investing in areas of disinvestment (Micah 6:8, Jeremiah 29:7)
Invite: welcoming others as we have been welcomed (Romans 15:7), partnering together in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18)
Board Members
Samuel Husband
Director of New City Memphis and Chaplain at the Schools of Perea
Tim Johnson – Treasurer
Pastor of The Avenue Community Church
Deadre Ussery
School Leader, Schools of Perea
Seth Still – Secretary
Wing Chaplain 172d Air National Guard